Online Anxiety treatment for teens 12-17 years old

Teen Anxiety Rehab in Mesa

We Accept Insurance

Let’s check if your insurance provider will cover your treatment costs.
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Clean, comfortable, and safe accommodations

A strong focus on family participation & support

Small-group setting guarantees personalized attention

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Types of anxiety we treat

If you’re a parent in Mesa looking for solutions for your teen’s anxiety, our teen anxiety rehab program can offer the assistance you need. We provide comprehensive care for various anxiety types, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder: Persistent worry about everyday activities.
  • Panic disorder: Episodes of intense fear, often triggered by stress.
  • Social anxiety disorder: Anxiety in social situations or fear of judgment from peers.
  • Phobias: Intense fears of specific objects or situations, like exams.
  • Test anxiety: Stress about performance in exams or evaluations.

If your teen is experiencing other forms of anxiety, we have a therapist for teenage anxiety ready to provide support. Please feel free to reach out to us.

phone-icon (602) 737-2329

A comprehensive Teen Rehab Program for Anxiety

At Modern, we understand the complex nature of teenage anxiety. That’s why our online teen anxiety rehab program is designed to be immersive and supportive. It allows your teen to receive treatment in the comfort of their home or anywhere they’re familiar with, helping them manage their anxiety in a safe, judgment-free environment.

Customized sessions

  • We offer a customized treatment plan tailored to meet the unique needs of your teen so that they can recover fully.

Group sessions

  • In these sessions, teens share experiences, learn, and heal alongside others dealing with similar challenges.

Recovery coach

  • Our recovery coaches, who have personal experience with overcoming anxiety, deliver empathetic care and support.

Customized sessions

  • We offer a customized treatment plan tailored to meet the unique needs of your teen so that they can recover fully.

Group sessions

  • In these sessions, teens share experiences, learn, and heal alongside others dealing with similar challenges.

Recovery coach

  • Our recovery coaches, who have personal experience with overcoming anxiety, deliver empathetic care and support.

Some of our Anxiety Treatment methods

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This method identifies and modifies negative thought patterns to encourage positive behavior in teens.
  • Exposure Therapy: A gradual process that introduces teens to the situations they fear, helping to diminish their anxiety responses.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: These techniques help teens focus on the present moment, leading to a calmer and more balanced state of mind.

Masters-level therapists

When seeking counseling for teen anxiety, choosing certified therapists is vital.

In Mesa, our master’s degree-holding therapists specialize in guiding your teen towards recovery.

Jordan Boyce


Matt Nofi

Why our Teen Rehab might be a good fit…

Our Teen Anxiety Rehab Program goes beyond regular weekly rehab schedules. It's more private, convenient, less expensive and personalized.

Convenient scheduling

Our online rehab program offers flexible scheduling, allowing your teen to participate in sessions that align with their daily routine.

Better accessibility

Accessible from anywhere, our program caters to teens, both with and without disabilities, while also cutting down on travel expenses.

Discreet & confidential

Receiving treatment at home ensures privacy and reduces the stigma often associated with visiting a treatment center.

Convenient scheduling

Our online rehab program offers flexible scheduling, allowing your teen to participate in sessions that align with their daily routine.

Better accessibility

Accessible from anywhere, our program caters to teens, both with and without disabilities, while also cutting down on travel expenses.

Discreet & confidential

Receiving treatment at home ensures privacy and reduces the stigma often associated with visiting a treatment center.

We accept insurance

We collaborate with the most significant insurance providers to lessen the financial burden of treatment. Please verify if your provider covers your treatment.

We’re in-network with BlueCross BlueShield

How to get started?

The first step with our online teen intensive outpatient program is a straightforward 3-step journey, starting with a simple call or message.

1- The initial phone call

Share your teen’s experiences, delve into treatment alternatives, and discuss financial aspects.

2- Pre-screening

Confirm the treatment modality and insurance coverage and gain insights into the upcoming journey.

3- Start therapy

Complete the intake process, meet our staff, and begin treatment.

1- The initial phone call

Share your teen’s experiences, delve into treatment alternatives, and discuss financial aspects.

2- Pre-screening

Confirm the treatment modality and insurance coverage and gain insights into the upcoming journey.

3- Start therapy

Complete the intake process, meet our staff, and begin treatment.